Turning your content woes into wins

Seamus Boyer smiling and facing forward wearing a blue shirt and crossing his arms.

We all know we should be regularly creating great content for our audiences. It's a modern minimum standard for any organisation serious about digital engagement.

But you’ve also got a million other things to do - you’re getting requests from every business unit, senior leaders, the chief executive, plus elected officials.

And that means the job of content creation and delivery falls right to the bottom of your to-do list, which leads to barren 'news' pages and neglected social channels.

From journo to comms manager

Having worked as a reporter, news director, and editor, I know the art of crafting a compelling story.

As a former communications manager, I know how engaging storytelling can connect councils and government departments with audiences which expect relevant, timely, quality content.

At Wellington City Council I shaped the organisation's content and channels strategy, overseeing a 50% increase in social media followers, and a 500% increase in news traffic.

To see my full work experience, check out my LinkedIn page.

Digital communications consultant

Too many organisations waste time scratching around for things to write about and post each week. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

With a deep understanding of digital platforms, trends, and audience behavior, I provide strategic guidance and tailored solutions to boost your engagement.

Whether you want to optimise your social media strategy, improve content delivery, or enhance your overall online comms approach, I’m here to help.

Let's breathe life into your team with best-practice strategy and structure, and turn your content woes into content wins.

My mission

Improve the quality of digital storytelling in the public sector.

“Seamus is generous with his knowledge and skilled at getting the best out of people. Thanks to his encouragement and guidance, I achieved things I didn’t think were possible.”

- Hayley, Content Editor